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Get in touch with us:

If you want to send a message to us please fill out the form below and press 'Send'..

If you have an urgent matter please call our answering service 24/7 at 302-663-1030

If it is an emergency DO NOT CALL US, call 911

Townhomes of Bayshore COA Council Members:

             President:  John M. Dill         email:
    Vice-President:  Jeanne Bartlett     email:
             Secretary:  John Sciole           email:
            Treasurer:  Tom Underwood  email:
Member at Large:  Loretta Forsythe   email:

Address for Correspondence:   Townhomes of Bayshore Condominium Association

                                                  24832 John J Williams Highway PMB #24

                                                  Millsboro, DE 19966

Address for USPS Payments:   Townhomes of Bayshore COA

                                                        P.O. Box  884

                                                        Willards, MD 21874

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Online payments can be made at Farmers Bank of Willards by following this link:

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